Project: BMOP (Baddest man on the planet)

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Project: BMOP (Baddest man on the planet)

Post by GraniteHope » July 30th, 2012, 8:01 pm

This isn't exactly a game that is going to be in graphics initially, but I figured I would share my visions with the forum, maybe to let people know I am a dreamer too.

My plan is to create a full RPG simulation where the player plays the role of God per se. Every character in the game will be generated by evolving algorithms. When complete, I want my game to have the following:

~AI heroes, shop owners, kings/subjects, guards ... everything you would find in a 2D RPG game.
~Ways for everyone to evolve at their craft via genetic algorithms

~The user will play God, adding and removing different elements to the simulation like terrain, neutral monsters, towns, dungeons, items, etc...

~Various different modes. Game will be built for God mode, but I also dreamed up a "coach" mode, where you have no control over the world, but try to coach one hero or villian. Of course, the AI would dictate how willing that hero or villian is to listen to your coaching. But, it's OK, because you could just "ZAP" him out of existence at any time and control someone else!

I am thinking of something like The Sims: Medieval except for much more objective and with less linear goals.

I plan on developing this on the console first though.

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Re: Project: BMOP (Baddest man on the planet)

Post by LuX » July 30th, 2012, 8:34 pm

Sounds interesting, but also like a lot of work, making a good AI for a population, while keeping the interest in the game (eg. not have too repetative AI or one that follows similar patters etc.)
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Re: Project: BMOP (Baddest man on the planet)

Post by GraniteHope » July 30th, 2012, 8:57 pm

LuX wrote:Sounds interesting, but also like a lot of work, making a good AI for a population, while keeping the interest in the game (eg. not have too repetative AI or one that follows similar patters etc.)
Actually, the beauty of genetic algorithms is that they aren't incredibly complicated. That's why I've wanted to so badly make one because I know that there is a future for this both in efficiency, and how quick you can program it.

The real problem is that I don't have a formal education, so I don't have the structured learning of languages. I've been programming for 15 years. I get the web languages perfectly and can do web design on the client and server level perfectly, but languages like Java and C++ have been my worst enemy and I still can't program very well in them.

Chili has helped me a lot especially just the casual way he talks. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have tried to program again, because my confidence in it was at an all-time low before I found his first videos.

But, making the game actually fun where the player can play an active role will indeed be a great challenge. That's why, especially if I plan to commercialize the game, I'm going to have to make it for both people who want to get their hands dirty, and people who want to run a simulation continuously, perhaps for days, to see the results.

Having interesting outcomes is also what I recognize and want to put in. I don't want stuff where, for example, the entire population of the world dies, or the AI just loops in a continuous, stale pattern.

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Re: Project: BMOP (Baddest man on the planet)

Post by LuX » July 30th, 2012, 9:06 pm


Well, if you want to start off with something more basic, try to make a fractal algorithm. They are probably one of the most basic algorithms to create something random with an intellectual appearance in it.
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Re: Project: BMOP (Baddest man on the planet)

Post by simplicity » July 30th, 2012, 9:57 pm

This sounds a lot like Drawf Fortress.

You should look up Rogue like games. I have book on python that goes into creating a rogue like game with randomly generated levels.

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Re: Project: BMOP (Baddest man on the planet)

Post by BrokenBackspaceKey » July 31st, 2012, 1:15 am

Good luck with your game!

You might find it helpful if you do some research on such games to nail down exactly what you want to do. Most programmers (including myself, sometimes) start programming before they have clear objectives, and then they end up shelving a lot of perfectly good code because they go in a different direction later on. Best is to map everything out with paper and pencil before you even turn the computer on.

One game that you should take a look at is Virtual Villagers 5 - New Believers. This is a semi-free game that you can download from (Download for free, then harrassed until you buy the paid version.)

Virtual Villagers have villagers that walk around with fairly good AI, and the user plays the role of god.

Again, good luck with your game!

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Project: BMOP (Baddest man on the planet)

Post by GraniteHope » August 12th, 2012, 9:00 pm

Hello, all!

The very basic game has been created.

Just a few things to keep in mind:
~This isn't even in basic alpha in terms of what I want it to be.
~There are probably going to be a lot of bugs found.
~The formatting is putrid at the moment.

I just wanted to get something out there that worked and that I can base a version history on.

I commented the code as best as I could, but there still might be questions, and would be happy to answer them. You're free to use, abuse, and edit the code all you want at this stage.

Anyhow, what you do with the program is simple. Here are a few commands. Don't include the quotes:
"create" creates a new hero with random stats.
"save" saves all of your heroes into a filename of your choosing (will appear in the same folder as the exe)
"load" loads from a specific filename, if it exists (file must be in same folder to read)
"list" lists all of the heroes, their stats and records
"battle" will prompt the user to select a type of battle. The only type of battle at the moment is "random"

When you enter a battle, the "-1" option does not work as of yet (procrastination of putting it in), so you must see the battle to the end. Type a positive number to skip a certain number of turns. A turn is defined as both combatants exhausting all of their action points.

I do plan on getting this into 2D, very likely with Chili's excellent and easy framework, but, until then, I'm sticking to the console until there is a trustworthy system. The following are my plans for the game, as can also be viewed in the source's ReadMe:

n. (x) means change has been implemented
n. These are not in any particular order, but generally the first ones listed will come the earliest.
n. This list is not set in stone. It is subject to alterations, insertions, and deletions as dependent on development complexity and community input.

(0) Height, weight, and gender added to statistics
(0) Broaden user control:
-(0) Add more battle options
-(0) Add a list filter
-(0) Add creation parameters (attribute bias or selection)
-(0) Add hero name change function
(0) Make a database of names and surnames
(0) Unique move sets per hero
(0) Weapon & item system
(0) User-controlled game balance
(0) Script DNA (genetics for genetic algorithms)
(0) AI script-based action sequence during battle
(0) Magic
(0) Skills & feats
(0) Leveling up:
-(0) AI script-based point allocation
(0) out of battle actions:
-(0) Grinding
-(0) Shopping
-(0) Questing
-(0) Mingling:
-(0) Relationships & affinities
-(0) Dueling & Sparring
-(0) Script based OOB actions
(0) Random events
(0) user generated events
(0) Sex:
-(0) Reproduction
-(0) Crossover & genetic mutation
(0) Time passage
(0) Age, aging mechanics
Visual Studio 2010 sources
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The game
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