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pong clone

Posted: April 23rd, 2012, 6:04 pm
by x_eqis
hello programming folk,
I googled for the game PONG and learned there are no clones whatsoever out there :lol: so I decided to try my own. Please find it attached.
There is a computer ennemy, and the score is counted and displayed. also, both the computer and the ball get faster if the player wins points, so the first points are easy but the game gets harder towards the end.

next stop: TETRIS!!!!

PS @ chili: I just watched the beginning of the new tutorial...thanks a lot for showcasing that little game man!! and that poem...wicked! - yet awesome! btw: you do underestimate your german pronounciation.
Cannot wait to watch the rest of lesson 14...will chili handle ray-tracing at last?

Re: pong clone

Posted: April 23rd, 2012, 6:20 pm
by Voxavs
Wow man, still trying to decipher your code (cos I'm not good at reading the code). Good job.

Re: pong clone

Posted: April 23rd, 2012, 7:06 pm
by LuX
Very nice.

Very nice indeed. :ugeek:

Re: pong clone

Posted: April 24th, 2012, 4:29 am
by chili
Your code is as messy as ever X_Eqis! :lol:
I'm glad to see that you have separated out your drawing routines from your simulation routines though. Always nice to know my teachings aren't falling on deaf ears. ;)

Anyways, I might tease you about your coding style, but I can't argue with the results. Very nice indeed bro. The scoreboard and increasing difficulty level was a nice touch btw.

P.S. Are you still waiting on KPence to post his scrolling code? If you're interested I might whip up a simple demonstration of scrolling for you to take a peek at and get some ideas from. Not a full blown tutorial mind you, just some sample code.

Re: pong clone

Posted: April 24th, 2012, 6:19 am
by x_eqis
Hey chili,
in german (maybe in english too?) there's a saying that goes like "only the genius controls the chaos" :ugeek:
This saying certainly doesn't apply to my code which is just messy. Well, for now it kind of works but I hope that when I work on more complex programs, I will have to force myself to improve my layout. Until then, I will just continue labelling it a "progressive approach to layout"...

Concerning the scrolling sample code: I would be highly interested and more than glad to see how it can work if someone who actually knows something wrote it. Wow - scrolling AND mouse support in the same year - so much more than I could hope for...a big thank you once again for everything.

Re: pong clone

Posted: April 24th, 2012, 7:10 am
by LuX
Yeah a scrolling map could be cool :)
I'm also waiting for the File IO, planning to replicate my isometric engine from visual basic :D
damn thing is laggy as hell and damn VB doesn't support true transparency withing the same form, so I had to make like 60 forms just to get the separate layers.

Can't wait for new lessons, Chili! I'm impatient... IMPATIENT! :twisted:

Re: pong clone

Posted: April 24th, 2012, 8:54 am
by chili
I'd like to record the next one right at this minute, but my mouth is practically swollen shut. ;)
The good news is that FileIO is coming in the near future, and the next few lessons won't be marathons like the last batch have been, so I should be getting them out at a faster pace.