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Feedback on Framework 2016 - Draft

Posted: June 26th, 2016, 6:00 am
by chili
Mostly done the new version of the framework for the reboot series (and for the base of the 3D series starting code). I'd like as many of you guys to test it out as possible, hopefully on a bunch of different platforms to see if there are any problems anywhere.

I'm also looking for any feedback you have about the code itself. Anything you think should be added, removed, or changed, I want to hear about it.

  • I remember people saying that there was a problem with the mouse code. If that is still an issue here, I'd like to know.
  • Anything that should be added in terms of functionality of the window class. Right now you can close the window, display a modal messagebox, and get the commandline args.
  • Anything that could be made better with c++11/14 stuff that I'm missing.
I will post a link to the repo on github and a solution zip. Build with VS2015 Community.

Re: Feedback on Framework 2016 - Draft

Posted: June 26th, 2016, 6:21 pm
by albinopapa
Not a huge deal, but your code is a little inconsistent in places.

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	ZeroMemory( &sd,sizeof( sd ) );

	memset( &srvDesc,0,sizeof( srvDesc ) );
You can avoid even having to ZeroMemory or memset by just putting empty curly braces after declarations

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which just zero initializes the struct.

There is also a really nice macro that I like to use for this kind of code,

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// This:
if( FAILED( hr = pSwapChain->GetBuffer(
		__uuidof( ID3D11Texture2D ),
		(LPVOID*)&pBackBuffer ) ) )
		throw CHILI_GFX_EXCEPTION( hr,L"Getting back buffer" );

// becomes this
if( FAILED( hr = pSwapChain->GetBuffer(
		IID_PPV_ARGS( &pBackBuffer ) ) ) )
		throw CHILI_GFX_EXCEPTION( hr,L"Getting back buffer" );
I know it works, but this might have been a typo,

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// This
	pImmediateContext->IASetPrimitiveTopology( D3D10_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST );
// probably should be this since you are using DX11
	pImmediateContext->IASetPrimitiveTopology( D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST );
Your test compiles and runs on my system
AMD A10-7870K

I'm kind of surprised. I thought the feature level being 9.1 it would require 9.1 shader code/semantics.

Re: Feedback on Framework 2016 - Draft

Posted: June 26th, 2016, 11:10 pm
by MrGodin
Build on Win 10,Intel 2 quad Q8200 2.34 GHz CPU, debug x64. AMD radeon HD 7700 series video card.
Ran fine, drug mouse and resized the green box.

Re: Feedback on Framework 2016 - Draft

Posted: June 27th, 2016, 3:32 am
by Pindrought
Works on
Windows 7 64Bit
Intel I7 4770k
Radeon R9 390 GPU

On that note...
Never seen try catches like that. Very weird. Didn't know you could have multiple catches.

Re: Feedback on Framework 2016 - Draft

Posted: June 27th, 2016, 4:30 am
by cameron
There is a lot of new stuff in there that is cool and nice to see but there is a couple things I notice.

Your constexpr usage is strange to me, it almost seems you are using in place of inline or just const. You declare some things constexpr and never see it being used in a constant expression. I know constexpr implicitly means both const and inline(for functions) and can help with optimizations but I don't think it should be used in place of them. If I can't get what I want compile time with constexpr then I personally feel I would be better off with without it. I think the usage may confuse some people at some point as inline or const would be a better option. The MakeRGB function in addition to some of the static constants is good usage of constexpr, but I am mainly talking about those Event classes.

The exception handling is working cleanly and looks nice, I can never get it very clean so I don't use it much(I usually resort more to error codes). I also like the addition of the Colors header and extra keyboard support.

Also might be worth giving those nameless structs/unions names because its a non standard extension.

As far of things I was looking for as a beginner it would be nice to see some basic xaudio2 or something. But that can all wait until a later tutorial.

Re: Feedback on Framework 2016 - Draft

Posted: June 27th, 2016, 9:19 am
by Nurlan
Something don`t work. It gaves me a lot of errors(61)

Re: Feedback on Framework 2016 - Draft

Posted: June 27th, 2016, 6:36 pm
by albinopapa
Nurlan wrote:Something don`t work. It gaves me a lot of errors(61)
What operating system are you on?
What Visual Studio version are you using?
What processor and video card are you using?

Re: Feedback on Framework 2016 - Draft

Posted: June 28th, 2016, 5:06 am
by cyboryxmen
Looking at the way you implement constexpr, I actually managed to figure out a more efficient method of creating consts without the use of a static variable.

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namespace Colors
	template<unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b>
	struct MakeRGB
		static constexpr Color Value()
			return (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
	using White = MakeRGB< 255u, 255u, 255u >;
	using Black = MakeRGB< 0u, 0u, 0u >;
	using Gray = MakeRGB< 0x80u, 0x80u, 0x80u >;
	using LightGray = MakeRGB< 0xD3u, 0xD3u, 0xD3u >;
	using Red = MakeRGB< 255u, 0u, 0u >;
	using Green = MakeRGB< 0u, 255u, 0u >;
	using Blue = MakeRGB< 0u, 0u, 255u >;
	using Yellow = MakeRGB< 255u, 255u, 0u >;
	using Cyan = MakeRGB< 0u, 255u, 255u >;
	using Magenta = MakeRGB< 255u, 0u, 255u >;

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	gfx.PutPixel( x,y,Colors::Red::Value() );
In theory, this has three advantages. One, it makes sure that the compiler optimises the code by inlining the result in straight away(there are some cases where it won't do that with static constexpr for certain runtime code.) Also, it saves memory as the compiler does usually save the value of the static as a variable in the code for runtime especially if you accidentally save a reference of it in code. This should also prevent you from doing that unnecessary as shown here.

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	static constexpr Color c = MakeRGB<0, 0, 0>::Result();
	void Do(Color const* i)
		//impossible with template function
		i = &White::Value();
		//still possible with static constexpr
		i = &c;
Really, the only disadvantage is that you need to type more just to get the value and you still need to make another MakeRGB function for runtime. In any case, I also made a basic struct to handle simple intrinsic type consts.

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	template<class Type, Type value>
	struct IntrinsicConst
		static constexpr Type Value()
			return value;

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	using bufferSize = IntrinsicConst<unsigned int, 4u>;

Re: Feedback on Framework 2016 - Draft

Posted: June 28th, 2016, 7:11 am
by LuisR14
there's already a class that does exactly that last part tho, std::integral_constant xD

also, instead in your example i'd make the MakeRGB a function template, that would solve the "having to make a runtime version" dilemma

Re: Feedback on Framework 2016 - Draft

Posted: June 28th, 2016, 11:21 am
by Nurlan
Windows 10
Intel Core i5
Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000
Also my computer does not support diretx 11, maybe it will help