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VS Express 2013 vs. Code::Blocks

Posted: September 26th, 2014, 7:15 am
by Clodi
Sorry about the dull question but..
I have been learning how to program with Chili and his tutorials. I learned how to code in C++, use DirectX and run Visual Studio to do so.

Now at uni m supervisor said that I should stop using VS and start using COde::Blocks because (in his opinion) COde::Blocks :

1) makes smaller executable files. (better performance)
2) is cross-platform (the code can be viewed/edited/run by other people that don't have Windows)

My questions is:

Are these statements correct? I find strange that you can make faster / slimmer programs with Code::Blocks but I don't know enough about programming and compilers to be able to argue against my supervisor. Also, cross-platform? I thought C++ is C++ no matter what. Anybody could open my headers and my cpp files and run them in their own computers what's the matter with that?

I searched on the Internet but people mostly debate about what is easier etc and nobody explains anything in detail. I also thought that VS was a compiler, but apparently the compiler is something different.. anyway.. I'd be glad if someone here could give me a few pointers as to what is best (VS or COde::Blocks) and whether the 2 statements above are true or false.

Thanks :D

Re: VS Express 2013 vs. Code::Blocks

Posted: September 26th, 2014, 8:22 am
by balldrix
Stick to VS if that's what you have been using so far. No point in learning a new IDE as well as learning the C++ language.

I use VS because I get a free version with my course, but I do love Intellisense!

Re: VS Express 2013 vs. Code::Blocks

Posted: September 26th, 2014, 10:52 am
by bobloblaw

I have used code::blocks a lot as well as eclipse, these are the most popular compilers you will run into being asked over a traditional university code teaching course. Main reason: A lot of tutorial books written in the 2000's use these. The instructor wants you to use the same compiler so they can help you troubleshoot. Beyond that it comes down to personal preference. Many android tutorials will have you use Eclipse, being more easily integrated with androids developer kits.

Visual Studio is primarily used for making windows based programs, it can however make executable that run on mac and linix as well. Many professors don't like Visual Studio(VS) because they got burned in years past, VS use to not be backwards compatible and each new software release caused bugs in your old bug free programs. VS has gotten a whole lot better since their days, even a few versions ago.

If it were me I'd use Code::Blocks for the class but as far as on your personal projects, it's up to you. Which one are you more comfortable debugging in? Which one has an interface you like better? All small questions, but in the end give you your answer.

Maybe some of the forums compiler gurus can chime in about speeds and the like.


Re: VS Express 2013 vs. Code::Blocks

Posted: September 26th, 2014, 12:47 pm
by LuisR14
for 1) it is partially true, .. it does build a smaller exe but it doesn't necessarily mean that it'll have better runtime performance (it just means that it'll have faster load time, but runtime performance may be the same overall, like for ex: an app i had built in both vs and non-vs IDEs, the non-vs one was smaller but had same speed as vs built one)..
and as for 2) it's totally not true (he probably was talking about the IDE tho :P), the code being cross-platform'able just depends on what APIs you use (for ex: if you use winapi then you wouldn't be able to cross it to the linux side (not sure about mac side since i've seen some mac defines within the api)

Posted: September 27th, 2014, 10:08 am
by Clodi
Thanks a lot.
So basically, even if I go "#include <Windows.h>" the code should work on Linux as well as Mac etc
as long as I don\t use any Windows specific API such as WIN32 or DirectX?
And the size of the .EXE doesn't impact looping speed etc

Re: VS Express 2013 vs. Code::Blocks

Posted: October 31st, 2014, 12:46 pm
by yebudar
VS 2013 has HLSL debugger, saved me hours there.

Re: VS Express 2013 vs. Code::Blocks

Posted: November 9th, 2014, 9:00 am
by albinopapa
Look up which compilers support the features you want also. Not all compilers support all the latest features, but if you aren't wanting them or needing them, then go with what you like/know.