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Rescue Chili!

Posted: February 7th, 2013, 5:05 pm
by Conflictus
The code is a little bloated since I couldn't figure out how to make an array for the tile map.

I'm planning to get rid of almost everything related to ammo eventually. I was originally intending to throw flowers at the trees to explode them (yes, i'm aware that makes absolutely no sense), but changed my mind half way through. I'll most likely add some form of ranged firing later, but it doesn't seem necessary for the moment.

The goal of the game is to get to the chili cup. In order to get to the island you need to make a raft, which is obtained from chopping down 10+ trees (the green tiles).

There are a few visual things i'll fix later. Such as, riding around on the raft while on land. I have it the way it is for now because I haven't provided any other indication that you've acquired the raft yet. There currently isn't any 'game over'. The window simply closes once you reach the goal.


Arrow keys to move and Enter to chop trees when standing next to them.

Let me know what you guys think. :D

Re: Rescue Chili!

Posted: February 7th, 2013, 6:07 pm
by thetoddfather
Nice work! Love the concept. You could almost build this into a 2D little minecrafty thingy. Chop wood. Mine stone. Blah blah... Craft rope. Craft Raft. Save the Chili from the clutches of an amazing job oppertunity or demanding gf, or locked in the castle lol.

I like how the map vaguely appears to be the player setting out from north america to float to japan to get him.

Then at the end of each level you've unlocked a new tutorial! lol

Re: Rescue Chili!

Posted: February 7th, 2013, 6:55 pm
by Musi
lol, i like it.

I just noticed every tile is individually coded, that's crazy.

Re: Rescue Chili!

Posted: February 11th, 2013, 3:26 pm
by natox1986
Musi wrote:lol, i like it.

I just noticed every tile is individually coded, that's crazy.
Jesus yeah! That must have been tons of work...!
Wouldn't it just be better to draw them with a loop and index the array?
And just increment the x and y values by 20 every loop?
Nice concept though! I like it!

Cheers bro!