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Attempt at first Game

Posted: December 26th, 2012, 6:35 am
by Renthal97
Hi, my names Jeremy and i've been on and off programming in C++ for a few months now until I discovered Chili's tutorials. They've inspired me to continue to learn c++ and so far i've progressed more in less than a week than I have in months!

Anyways, I made a simple game (not complete yet) using everything Chili has taught me up to lesson 14. All the images are drew with pixels since I haven't learned yet how to load bmp files. The game is pretty much the same as his Poo game in his tutorials except different objects and i added two features: lives and score.

So basically, you're a balloon and you have to avoid the gray spikes ( they don't actually look like spikes but close enough ) The goal is to get the yellow coin thing without getting hit by the "spikes". If you get hit by a spike you lose 1 life and you get reset to the center of the screen. When you come in contact with the coin you gain 1 point and the coin resets to a random location. When your lives reach 0 it's game over.

I used Chili's game over drawing from the Poo game because I didn't really want to write my own since I'm not that good with positioning individual pixels and it'd probably look terrible. So thankyou Chili for your drawings and the tutorials! Lemme know what you guys think of it so far. Be honest because that's the only way Ill improve.

Re: Attempt at first Game

Posted: December 26th, 2012, 8:23 am
by codinitup
6 things

1. I havn't seen your name before so welcome to the forum!
2. The game is pretty cool
3. I like how you implemented scoring...Later Chili teaches how to make a scoreboard in a .txt file (and eventually in a menu in a game, if you implement it)
4.Make the game harder, I found it to be very easy (not enough spikes spawn for it to be hard).
5.The scoring doesn't keep counting past 10 I think, you might want to wait before you use the scoring (like lesson 18 or 19 I think), otherwise it's too much work haha.
6. Good work, I didn't really see any problems (in terms of bugs), so keep up the good work!

Re: Attempt at first Game

Posted: December 26th, 2012, 3:28 pm
by Renthal97
Thank you for taking your time to try out the game. I really appreciate i. You said that the score wasn't functioning past 10? It works as intended for me so i don't know why it wouldn't work for you. And I have the amount of spikes set to a max of 5 right now because I'm trying to implement difficulties which I will add when I make a main menu. I'm thinking I'm going to make it choose a difficulty like how you moved in the tic tac toe game in L12 so you can pick. But again thankyou for testing it out for me!

Re: Attempt at first Game

Posted: December 26th, 2012, 6:41 pm
by Zionich
I like what you did there. The score and lives design was great. Keep up the good work.

Re: Attempt at first Game

Posted: December 27th, 2012, 4:11 am
by codinitup
That's strange, eventually the score lines just disappear and there's nothing, maybe that was a bug... but good work and keep it up!

Re: Attempt at first Game

Posted: December 27th, 2012, 5:07 am
by Renthal97
I have it so when the score reaches 11 it cuts in half and it does 10 on the top half and 10 on the bottom. But anyways glad you like it!! I'll be sure post another DL link as I implement more features and what not.

OHHHH I know what you mean now lol. After 20 it doesn't draw the score lines any longer because I figured 20 was a good place to stop considering I'm manually drawing the score with tallies and i'd eventually run out of room.

Re: Attempt at first Game

Posted: December 27th, 2012, 8:45 am
by codinitup
Oh sorry, I didn't pay too much attention to the scoring, but yeah that does make sense to do though. Now try to add sound effects. Very easy to do...Chili has an example somewhere on the forum.

Re: Attempt at first Game

Posted: December 28th, 2012, 1:27 am
by Renthal97
I'm on lesson 20 right now so once I finish it ill add some animation for the balloon popping when you hit a spike and add a popping sound affect.

Re: Attempt at first Game

Posted: December 30th, 2012, 6:32 am
by Riffman
Hello everyone,
I'm new to the forum and have finished the tutorials up through the Tic Tac Toe game but not the complex AI homework. Has anybody integrated box2d with the chili Framework?