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My second game

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 5:23 am
by Natories
Hello everyone,

Here is the next game I've been working on for the past three or so weeks. I have two versions of this game, one with a story and arcade modes and this one, an arcade only version. I've included only this one because I've only touched on the story part of the game and I didn't want to post a partially completed story board.

I did this game for a couple of reasons, one was sort of a Chili's challege from earlier in the tutorials and the other because I wanted to see if I could do a scrolling background. It started out as a single background, but noticed it would be nicer to implement a couple of them ...
I haven't added sound yet, but this is just a start ...

Anyway, I hope you like the game ...


Re: My second game

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 9:56 am
by LuX
Looks pretty good.

You might want to rework on the collision code (especially planks). I also like how you made your own movement code.

The plane game was my favorite, the truck game seemed a little cluncky because of the weird collision hit box.

Re: My second game

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 1:21 pm
by Natories
Thanks Lux,

I agree with you completely concerning the collision hit box, I noticed that in the story board version of the game as well. I thought it was just me, but now that you noticed it as well, I'll go back and take a hard look at it!

I am going to also rework some of the code to implement class versions of the vehicles and linked list bullets, and see how that works for the game! This will be after I fix all these collision issues, LOL!

Thanks for noticing the movement code! I wanted to keep them seperate so I could eventually make it modular, and because it's easier to find! LOL! It too is a bit buggy but I'll hopefully have things bug free before long!


Re: My second game

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 2:26 pm
by chili
The way the enemy tank turret turns is pretty sweet. Nice work on the graphics, like the paralax scrolling.

Re: My second game

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 8:10 pm
by Natories
Thanks Chili!

It took me forever to work out how to get the tank gun to rotate! I had to use graph paper to map out the movements! The background scrolling was reworked from another person's free code using the RECTangle and Direct X. The Direct X code was simply coded, but understanding it was complicated, but I kept at it until I figured out how to rework it to work with the program.

You were completely right about the reverse sprites. Remembering to always collision check them in a reverse manner was probably the hardest part of making the game and to add or subtract the camera! LOL!

As always, would not have gotten even this far without your tutorials and explainations ... simply marvelous!


Re: My second game

Posted: August 4th, 2012, 3:42 am
by Natories

I figured out the problem with the object detection with the road debris. I used graph paper to design the objects and placed the objects in the LEFT and BOTTOM of the 30x50 and 50x30 size grids! This allowed a 5x10 or 10x5 pixel spacing between the edge of the collision testing boxes and objects themselves! I readjusted the object's width and height in the SetupObject function to reflect 20x45 and 45x20! I am surprised I didn't figure this out earlier during the first time, when I was scratching my head, wondering why it was like it was! I also went back and readjusted the rocket launchers because they were just a few pixels off as well!

Again, thanks for noticing!
